1/G scale roller test stand (Rollenprüfstand SUPR 1/G)

Have 2 kind of size 60cm, 92cm


The roller test stand is able to install into the wood base with acrylic cover.  

The pairs of bearing brackets are adjustable and moveable.


The assemble tracks are adjustable, addable and moveable.


The pairs of bearing bracket adjustable, addable and moveable.

Gravitational gravity conduction principle.

For Analog DC / Digital DCC / Live steam system.

Marklin 1 scale #55082 SNCF 241A steam locomotive on the GT-9204 roller test stand.

For Analog DC / Digital DCC / Live steam system.

Accucraft Alishan forest mountain SHAY on the GT-6904 roller test stand For Analog DC / Digital DCC / Live steam system.

For Analog DC / Digital DCC / Live steam system.

For Analog DC / Digital DCC / Live steam system.
        今年2019 RailStand 很高興完成了獨步全球的 1/G 軌的 roller test stand 全功能測試平台和據有獨家專利的隱藏是培林組 roller demo stand G軌模型火車展示機. 在這裡我們只介紹全功能的 G軌模型火車測試平台(1/G roller test stand). 它主要是用來測試和展示各式各樣的 1/G 規電動模型火車, 除此之外此平台也可以用來測試燒瓦斯和酒精的 Live Steam 模型火車.
    所有的培林組依各種火車動輪的距離及車型大小而調整適合的距離. 此外培林組除了可以移動調整 外也可以隨時加入或移開培林組. RailStand 1/G scale roller test stand 預計將提供三種規格供客戶選擇, 但為達到完美的展示效果,我們接受客戶為心愛的火車量身訂製專屬的展示平台.

        RailStand are pleasure to announced our new 1/G scale (45mm) roller test stand in 2019,  this is a full function "1/G scale roller test stand", each pairs of bearing brackets are adjustable and each assemble tracks are moveable. you are able to testing and presenting all kind of your locomotives.
        RailStand 1/G (45mm) RailStand roller test bench supports DC Anglog / DCC digital / steam locomotive and is available in various sizes of roller test stand.
Item No Stand length Bearing bracket Assemble track For kind of locomotive PRICE shipping
GT-6903  69 cm 3 sets  1 PCS BR80, T3, BR89, C11, C12, B6...   US$279     US$223.2 EMS US$48
GT-8104  81 cm 4 sets  2 PCS BR24, 9600, BR86...   US$339     US$271.2 EMS US$53
GT-9204  92 cm 4 sets  2 PCS BR18, BR44, SNCF 241, D51...   US$339     US$271.2 EMS US$58
GT-12004  120 cm 4 sets  3 PCS BR53, S2, M1b, K4...   US$429     US$343.2 EMS US$70
GT-14008  140 cm 8 sets  3 PCS BIG BOY, CHALLENGER, Y6b...   US$699     US$559.2 DHL Express US$289
GT-roller  2cm 1 set    to be a extra bearing bracket   US$40     US$32.0 US$25
PS1: Int'l Express Mail Service with tracking number... More detail please click our [Q&A] Q2. How to order...
PS2: Accept customize order, but need add 5%
PS3: Usually we ship through POST OFFICE EMS (Int'l Express Mail Serivce), but GT-1400* over size can send through DHL... Express only.
Marklin #55082 SNCF 241A is running on the GT-9204 scale full function roller test stand.

The Alishan froest SGAY running on the GT-9204 full function roller test stand.

The 28 Ton Shay running on the G scale GT-6904 roller test stand.

Testing the Marklin/LGB 0-6-0 steam locomotive

PS1: Check RailStand similar different gauge roller stand.
PS2: We are the expert to designed and manufactured the roller test & demo stand, If you are interested in our products or If have any questions or suggestions to RailStand, please click the RailStand to contact us or please E-mail or Phone: 886-9-37848773 , We accept payment by PayPal
          If you have any questions about our roller stands, please leave your message, we will reply to you soon.
          If you want to place an order with us, please leave the item number, your name, mailing address, ZIP code, phone number... we will send PAYPAL payment request or an INVOICE through the PAYPAL to you, thanks.

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